Events-Darwen Tennis Club

Darwen Tennis Club


Centenary Celebration

The Club is celebrating its 100 year anniversary in 2024!  We are holding a tennis tournament for members 11.00 to 1.00 and then a family afternoon from 1.00 to 4.00 on Saturday 20th July. The event is open to members, local neighbours, ROSA and the community centre users.  To book in, please email Maria at by 29/6.  

Coffee mornings

In conjunction with ROSA (Residents of Sunnyhurst Association). These are held every Tuesday morning from 10.00.

Quiz Nights

Quiz nights are normally held on the last Friday of each month.  You don't have to have a full team, just turn up. Potato pie supper included. £5 per head. 
Any enquiries tel: Janet 01254 704469.

100 Club

By paying just £2 a month, you become a social member and eligible for our monthly draw for prize money upto £20, with an annual first prize of £100.  Contact us if you would like to join.  We appreciate the support of our 100 Club members in helping maintain the courts, grounds and community centre.

100 club winners Feb 24
1 D Hull    2 CP Edwards  3 N Buchanan

Community Centre

The Community Centre is available for hire at £15 per hour. Please contact us at if you would like to hire it.